Shadow Selves

Do you subscribe to the belief that there are good and bad emotions?  That we aren’t supposed to feel those ‘nasty’ emotions -  the jealousy, the anger, the despair?  It turns out that those parts of ourselves that we struggle to overcome and hide  -- our shadow selves -- can provide us with meaning if we are willing to go there.  

What would it be like to welcome your shadow self? Looking at our shadow selves gives us room to explore and dive in to a deep well of emotion that crafts our lives whether or not we are paying attention to it.

Numerous books provide deep insight into the journey to our shadows. One option is Shadow Dance: Liberating the Power & Creativity of Your Dark Side by David Richo

Learning to dance with shadow selves requires a deep commitment. No brushing off of random inner voices. No sweet and easy replies to how we are truly doing. It’s hard work! Yet where would literature be without the dark side? How can we craft a story without conflict? Explore the depths of humanity and yourself and find powerful tools to feed your creative work.


What is Creative Courage?


Imagination, Knowledge, Power —Which is it going to Be?