What is Purpose?

Purpose (n.)  also purposefully, purposeful, purposeless.

Living with Purpose

Are you living a life of purpose?  Do you even know what that would be for you?  We yearn for meaning and long for terms that will help define our place in this mad-cap world.  Being purposeful has a motion and a focus that sounds appealing.  “Yes!” we can answer.  I am living a purposeful life!  I am making decisions that are full of purpose, knowing where I am going, and finding room for the things that most matter.

But within purpose, there are multiple layers.  Purpose doesn’t mean never procrastinating.  Purpose can be being clear enough about your values to know when life is requiring you to set down some goals.  It helps to think about being in a boat and traveling along a river.  Without an oar or a method to steer, you flail about aimlessly, hitting rocks, running aground.  Choosing the right boat size is also important as you don’t want to be managing too big a boat!   Name your boat.  What values matter to you?  Why are you spending your time the way you are?  Once you’ve got a boat that fits you, you can navigate through the confusion more easily.   Think about what you love, what the world needs, and what skills you have that you can contribute.  Then explore!  A purposeful life is a journey.


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