How Leaves Change Color

by David Wagner

Ever since I was little I've always wondered two things about fall. First being how do leaves change color in the fall? And second, how do leaves fall off? First, we all know how in fall the days get shorter and the temperature gets colder. You're probably wondering how this has anything to do with the leaves changing color, well it does because the (chlorophyll breaks down)! Basically the leaves stop their food making process also known as photosynthesis. And the green disappears creating the yellow and orange fall leaves we love. And now number two how leaves fall off trees. It seems very complicated but it's very simple,so basically, Once it gets very late in fall it's very cold so to survive the upcoming winter the tree takes all the nutrients from the leaves, and stores it inside the stem and roots. Once the leaves are empty and out of nutrients the tree stops holding on to the leaves. Now the tree can survive the winter and regrow its leaves in the spring. This process is also how we make leaf piles we love in the fall.




The Fall Day